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Started in 2007, the company's marketplace model connects hosts and guests online or through mobile devices to book spaces and experiences. It primarily offers private rooms and luxury villas and the world's largest online alternative accommodation travel agency, also offering booking services for boutique experiences. Airbnb's platform offered 5.6 million active accommodation listings in 2020. Listings from the company's 4 million hosts are spread over 220 countries and 100,000 cities. In 2020, 53% of revenue was from North America, 30% from Europe/Middle East/Africa, 10% from Asia-Pacific, and 7% from Latin America. Transaction fees for online bookings account for all its revenue. 

Over the past few years Airbnb renting has emerged as a popular alternative to hotels for travelers who want the space and comfort that a home can provide.

Publicerat för Airbnb